We are excited to offer several educational programs, or tracks, for families to select from. Please see the requirements for enrolling at Southwest Adventist Junior Academy (SWAJA). In order to offer the best educational experience and serve each student’s needs, we prioritize student-to-school compatibility. Our desire is to see each family thrive and benefit from our private Christian environment.
Children at this age exhibit a great amount of curiosity and have a tremendous capacity for learning. They are in constant motion, and it is through this movement that they learn. This program is designed to encourage students ages 3-6 to explore their environment with their senses: touching, seeing, hearing, etc. They will absorb the facts presented to them about the world. As an observer of our class space, one will find students choosing their own activities and working at their own pace towards identified goals. Students meets in a mixed-aged class which meets five days a week, in person, from 8:15 am-3 pm Monday-Thursday, and from 8:15 am- 1 pm on Friday. Skills developed include practical life, sensorial, phonetic awareness (language), handwriting acquisition, concentration, self-discipline, social graces, cultural awareness, concrete Math experiences, Literature appreciation, independence, reasoning and problem-solving, as well as establishing a Christian worldview. All students seeking enrollment into this program must be fully toilet trained prior to enrollment. All students will be expected to adhere to the established dress code. If seeking admission after the school year has begun, students will be asked to schedule an observation appointment in the classroom from 9-11 am. The teacher, in consultation with the principal, will determine if this environment will be able to properly serve the student. Start date: August 19, 2020
Online Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten Cohort (ages 3-6) Students enrolled in this program will experience face-to-face instruction with teachers as a part of a mixed-aged, mixed ability cohort. This program will address the student’s developmental needs in the areas of Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Art, Foreign Language, Health and Movement, Technology, and Bible. Students will be involved in a lively, worship and circle time event, followed by focused instruction in the various disciplines. One-on-one support will be offered to students and families to address learning needs that may exist within and outside of the main curriculum. All students seeking enrollment into this program must have access to a camera/microphone-enabled device, and an adult who will assist if and when necessary. We highly suggest that students be fully toilet trained, as our schedule is built with this in mind. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, students will be engaged by an instructor for two hours. On Tuesdays and Fridays, students will participate in the Specials courses which meet for an extended period of time due to their subject matter. Students are not required to stay online for the entire period. The teachers will work with students to build capacity to enjoy these classes and planned projects. Admission after the school year has begun will be difficult, as this class operates on a capped capacity cohort model. Interested parties will be put on a waiting list, and contacted if an opening arises, or if there are enough interested students and families to open another cohort. The required supplies for this program will be supplied by the school via a SKYBOX, which will support the students during their flight. Please note: The teacher, in consultation with the principal, will determine if this unique offering will be able to properly serve the student.This option will only be realized if there are ten candidates fully committed to this program. For pricing and structure information, email [email protected]. Start date: August 19, 2020
Online Instruction, Grades 1-8: Are you ready to learn in a highly-engaging, virtual classroom? This may be the program for you! Students will log-in daily to their learning platform from 9am-1pm and experience learning with a caring, qualified instructor and multi-grade classmates. The experiences and assessments of the students are based on the standards of the SDA system. These standards do align to state and national standards. Students will also engage in standardized testing, online, three times during the year. If needed, a Chromebook will be issued by the school to facilitate the experience. Each family will be required to submit an Online usage agreement, as well as sign a Device Protection Plan. Other materials such as books and general school supplies will be delivered via a SKYBOX, which will prepare the students to SOAR! Students seeking enrollment into this program will be subject to an enrollment placement test if coming from outside of the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) education system. This test will be taken after an application is submitted. The results of the test, as well as the application, will be reviewed by the admissions committee. New students seeking enrollment that are coming from another SDA institution will need to have previous records shared with the school, as well as documentation that all financial obligations have been satisfied with the previous institution. A placement test may be administered if deemed necessary by the principal. The admissions committee will also make a determination regarding the application for enrollment. Enrollment will be allowed to continue as long as the students and supporting family members adhere to the policies and procedures as documented within the school handbook. Please Note: Students can choose between two different online schedules 1] Core Curriculum facilitation will be held each Monday, Wednesday and Thursday ($3500 annually) 2] Five day online experience. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays will address core curriculum and Tuesdays/Fridays will allow students to participate in the Specials courses. This program is priced the same as the hybrid model ($4250 annually) Start Date: August 12, 2020
Hybrid Instruction Grades 1-8 (Three Days Online/Two Days in the Building): Take advantage of the online experience from our staff and then meet us face-to-face in the building for laboratory and real world experiences. Students will engage in specialized instruction in our new Art Studio, STEM lab, and Home Economics classroom and pantry. Additionally, students will participate in Music TIP (Theory, Instrumentation, and Performance), Foreign Language Instruction, and Technology and Media Design coursework. Reflection and Project-based assessment will be utilized throughout these auxiliary courses. Allow your student to climb to higher heights by enrolling them in this robust program! Classes will run from 9am-1pm Monday- Friday. All students enrolled in this program will be issued a Chromebook, if needed. A signed Online Usage Agreement and Device Protection Plan is required for admission clearance. Please Note: Students have the option to submit application for just the Specials courses. This would equate to Tuesday and Friday enrollment only. This may be an ideal option for home school families, learning pods, and/or co-ops. Students would come to our campus on these days. All families will be required to have a working understanding of all policies, procedures, and value system before admission is permitted. ($1750 annually) Additionally, students in our online community may tune into these experiences to complete five days online. (Monday, Wednesday, Friday will address core curriculum) Materials needed for successful participation will be delivered via a SKYBOX that will support excellence within the Specials community. ($4250 annually) Start Date: To Be Determined (TBD), pending updates surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. All students seeking this program will begin online and engage in core instruction and Specials coursework in a virtual format beginning August 12, 2020.
Southwest Adventist Junior Academy is not equipped to meet the special needs of some students. They may be denied admission if their needs cannot be met.
We will not be operating a full time, in person program for students in Grades 1-8 at this time.