TEL: 214-948-1666 / FAX: 214-948-1125


SWAJA is always accepting financial donations!

During the 2017-2018 school year, we are raising money specifically for several initiatives:

1. Playground: Our current playground is unfit for safe play. We have raised quite a bit of money for a new one. The first phase, a multi-age play system, is set to be installed in August/September 2017. However, we want to ensure that we have enough money to finish the project and begin phase two: a canopy.

2. Canopy: In Texas, we are blessed to be able to enjoy many days of warm sunshine. The only caveat to this, as it relates to play, is that the sun greatly increases the temperature of playground structures and equipment. We would like to make the children more comfortable by providing a canopy for shade and safety. Initial research places the price between $3500-$5000. We would like to begin installation of the canopy soon after the play structure is installed.

3. Heart Defibrillator: We are dedicated to the safety of our students. We would like to be able to provide everything they need, including items in case of an emergency. This includes ready access to a heart defibrillator, outfitted with infant/child size pads. Securing a machine is of utmost importance to us this school year.

Outside of these clearly defined goals, we are always in need of donors to support the tuition needs of current and prospective students. Your donations will help us to meet financial obligations that make our school a better place for our children. Thanks for your help!

Please see or email Carla (Joy) Stewart ([email protected]) or Quintina Thomas ([email protected]) if you have any questions or just want to turn in your donations. Feel free to turn in donations directly to the school as well. Click on each tab to read how you can help us raise money.

Finances Further the Cause

  • Box Tops For Education

    SWAJA Home & School is requesting your continued assistance in the collection of Boxtops and Labels for Education. These items are being used to help raise funds for our school. Boxtops can be found on many everyday items, so pass the word along. Please keep in mind that if you shop online you can earn box tops for our school. Just visit to find a list of items and set up an account to become an online power earner.

  • North Texas Giving Day

    North Texas Giving Day is an online giving event that provides nonprofits the opportunity to gain exposure to — and start relationships with — new donors, and for people in North Texas to come together to raise as much money as possible for local nonprofits. This year SWAJA is raising money for a playground canopy. We don't want the new playground to go unused because the structure is too hot. Spread the word! We need help raising funds! More details on how you can give as the day nears. One day only event...mark your calendars!
  • Givelify

    The Givelify app makes it easy to give any time, to any initiative. You can use Givelify to support current and prospective students with tuition assistance as well. Giving is EASY with Givelify! Click below! Givelify
  • Amazon Smile

    Do you utilize Amazon to make purchases? Did you know that you can financially support SWAJA by making an everyday purchase? Simply sign-in to Amazon Smile, shop like normal, and watch some of your money go to your favorite school...US! It's that easy!! Click on the picture below for more information! Amazon Smile